
The WiL Workshop provides an opportunity to increase awareness of the valuable contributions made by women in the area of logic in computer science. Its main purpose is to promote the excellent research done by women, with the ultimate goal of increasing their visibility and representation in the community. Our aim is to:

We believe these aspects will benefit women working in logic and computer science, particularly students and early-career researchers.

WiL 2025

Birmingham, UK


Keynote speakers to be announced

WiL 2024

Tallinn, Estonia

Amal Ahmed
New Techniques for Sound Language Interoperability
Amal Ahmed
Viviana Bono
Types for (Slow) AI
Viviana Bono
Sandra Kiefer
Constructive Interactions
Sandra Kiefer

WiL 2023

Rome, Italy

Marie Kerjean
From functional analysis to proofs and programs
Marie Kerjean
Sandra Alves
Quantitative Weak Linearisation
Sandra Alves

WiL 2022

Haifa, Israel

Website Report
Dana Fisman
A normalized edit distance on finite and infinite words
Dana Fisman
Delia Kesner
Embedding Quantitative Properties of Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value into Call-by-Push-Value
Delia Kesner

WiL 2021

Rome, Italy (virtual)

Website Report
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Intersection types for probabilistic computation
Simona Ronchi Della Rocca
Rineke Verbrugge
Zero-one laws for provability logic and its transitive sisters
Rineke Verbrugge

WiL 2020

Paris, France (virtual)

Website Report Proceedings
Maribel Fernández
Nominal Syntax with Atom Substitutions
Maribel Fernández
Alexandra Silva
An algebraic framework to reason about concurrency
Alexandra Silva

WiL 2019

Vancouver, Canada

Anne Condon
Computing with Molecules
Anne Condon
Zena M. Ariola
The impact of duality
Zena M. Ariola

WiL 2018

Oxford, United Kingdom

Perdita Stevens
Logic and sofware engineering: are we nearly there yet?
Perdita Stevens
Brigitte Pientka
POPLMark Reloaded: Mechanizing Logical Relations Proofs
Brigitte Pientka

WiL 2017

Reykjavik, Iceland

Catuscia Palamidessi
Differential Privacy and Applications to Location Privacy
Catuscia Palamidessi
Claudia Nalon
Strategies for Modal Theorem-Proving
Claudia Nalon
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